Everything is really weighing down on me right now. I can’t get out of my head if I had gone through with it and killed my self maybe he would still be alive. He’s someone the world needs. He brought happiness to so many people. His funeral is evidence of that. I’m sad all the time, it isn’t a if anymore it’s a when. I’m going to kill myself because I can’t live feeling like this forever. The when depends on everyone else. I mean unless I go into a state again and hurt myself. Although I don’t think I’ll fail next time, I know what I need to do to probably go through with it. But I don’t want to positive talk suicide. Being suicidal is horrible and I hope if you feel that way you can get help, help that actually works for you, not a 2 week vacation from your life and yourself in a way. I just can’t feel this way much longer and I don’t see it getting better, what else am I supposed to do?

Xoxo SuicidalGirl